From a college kid to a 5 figure developer.
I stepped into this Cyber World at the age of 14 and the first thing that caught my interest was the term “HACKING” .
After learning basics of hacking and the ability to destroy websites I wanted to learn how build them. Which made me learn basic HTML and I found out that building something was far more interesting than being a script kiddie (who hack using tools) . I started building basic websites using HTML and CSS , Then learned WordPress and other cms tools and created my first website which is still live and ugly though LoL. You can check it here . Since then I’ve been just building websites. Only source of clients for me was references.
After 2–3 years of wasting my time and after getting my first Android phone I caught the spark that was hidden in me again , and this time it was for Android development ! Learning Java and Android Studio I made a clone of the Telegram App with much additional features while being in just class 11th. This app went viral and I was all in the news , this was the time I felt that development is one of the things that made me happy. Launched 3 more apps after then till I joined college.
My college is a sort of administration which pressurises students alot for attendance and my whole first year went just to attend classes and submitting assignments. Colleges in India charge a super high fee and me belonging from small family felt the problem my parents were facing to afford my education after my loan got rejected !
Guess what ? I started what I was good at , Development! This time using the technologies that were most demanded like Nodejs and React ! Bascially JavaScript family members.
This was my 2nd year and I was pressurized alot to clear my dues in college but I don’t want my parents to feel ashamed of not being able to afford their son’s fee . I felt that if I continue doing classes and not leveraged my skills I will end up being expelled for not paying my fee.
I hold good communication skills since I entered the market at a very young age , I sold my website development services door to door to clients , sold my marketing services etc and Selling improves your communication skills alot !
Joined multiple free lancing platforms like UpWork , Freelancer etc and started bidding on projects. It was the first month for me joining these platforms and I scored a project of $500 to build a chatbot for Facebook !
From a guy who developed websites for $50 to scoring a project of $500 I understood how can I make most of this opportunity. Guess what ?
Started skipping my crap classes where I used to waste my time and started utilising it learning and advancing my skills ! Scored more clients , got a partnership in a company, started my own team ! Built our own softwares which are used in the market as SaaS and now I end up making 5 figure in USD and I am in 3rd year now !
Started in 4th sem ! Now in 7th sem ! From making $50 a month to $3000 a month ! This was my journey.
Hope it motivates some of you to understand that Freelancing is a bridge to Entrepreneurship .
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